
If you have any complaints or concerns about our service, please let us know. All discussions and correspondence are treated in confidence, and you should feel free to express any views you may have.

To make a complaint you can email or write to:

PCN Manager

Leyland PCN, Worden Medical Centre, West Paddock, Leyland, PR25 1HR.

Please see our leaflet here for further information.

Our full complaints policy is available to view and download here. This has the complaints form and includes the patient third party consent form.

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)

The Ombudsman’s role is to make final decisions on complaints that have not been resolved locally by the NHS in England. The Ombudsman looks at complaints where someone believes there has been injustice or hardship because an organisation has not acted properly or has given a poor service and not put things right. The Ombudsman can recommend that organisations provide explanations, apologies, and financial remedies to service users and that they take action to improve services.

You can contact them on 0345 015 4033, via their website or write to them at: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman,

Citygate, Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3HQ.

You may also wish to contact one of the advocacy services listed or via The PHSO website Getting advice and support | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)