Our LIT Service includes Social Prescribing Link Workers and Health and Wellbeing Coaches who link our patients with various services in the community. They help to improve lifestyles by encouraging healthy lifestyle changes, tackling social isolation and loneliness and provide support to patients with long term health conditions.
The LIT Service members work with our Doctors and health care teams to complement care and treatment plans, promote exercise and movement through individual and group sessions and help to find advice or guidance for non-clinical day to day issues.
What does a Health and Wellbeing Coach do?
- helps you to understand current habits
- supports you to identify what changes need to be made
- challenges you to set achievable goals
- provides support for issues such as weight management, stress, sleep, mindset and anyone with risk factors of developing long term health conditions
- delivers community group sessions
- works on a one-to-one basis where appropriate
What Does a Social Prescriber do?
- Link you with various services in the community.
Offer you support for the following:-
- Social isolation and loneliness
- Your emotional wellbeing
- Improve lifestyle
- Lifechanging events (birth, retirement, illness, bereavement)
- Help provide support around long term health conditions
- Loss of confidence/purpose
- Housing or financial concerns
- Accessing work/training/volunteering
Patients who take medication to manage a range of long term conditions, or are at risk of medication error due to polypharmacy, frail patients or patients who take a high risk/dependence medications such as opioids and sleeping tablets have access to our Pharmacy Team which includes Clinical Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians.
They provide patient centred structured medication reviews with a holistic approach without the time constraint of a traditional appointment slot.
Patient’s medications are assessed clinically to ensure necessary monitoring is undertaken, correct quantities are prescribed and any interactions between medications is considered, as well as ensuring the medication is having the desired effect.
All this to support patients with their health journey.
Our team of Paramedics work alongside practice colleagues assessing and treating patients to reduce some of the pressures on our GP services and provide a timely service for patients.
They also provide a home visiting service for patients who are housebound and care home patients; this includes acute visits as well as some for long term conditions.
Our Care home Team supports the needs of residential and nursing home residents through enhanced service provision including weekly home rounds and personalised care and support planning, delivered by our Care Home Lead and supported by a Nurse Associate and Care Coordinator.
To manage musculoskeletal problems and related conditions we have our First Contact Physiotherapy Team.
Our experienced First Contact Physiotherapists use their expertise to triage, assess, diagnose, and manage musculoskeletal problems.
Early intervention from a physiotherapist can help to prevent chronic musculoskeletal issues and promote self-management.
Our physiotherapy team goal is to administer exercise and injection therapy, prescribe medicine and refer onto primary community and secondary health care services using their expert judgement.